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DfE-Validated Phonics Schemes: An overview

Last updated on 28 September 2022

We are delighted to be able to provide all Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) maintained schools with an updated version of the fully-funded resource: ‘DfE-Validated Phonics Schemes: An Overview’. This revised version now includes all 31 of the DfE-Validated schemes and this list is not currently expected to change. The booklet will be emailed out directly to headteachers, so please do check your junk email folders.

The booklet is intended to support leaders who may be looking into buying a new Phonics Scheme, to further develop their consistent, high-quality delivery of phonics and the closing of gaps for older readers and spellers needing more support. This 71-page booklet summarises what each of the 31 validated schemes provides, what the payment structure is, what the scheme includes in the core basic cost, and a synopsis of what the progression aligns with. It includes information on assessment, tracking, resources to engage families, planning, whiteboard resources, training and what the ongoing costs are likely to be.

It is hoped this resource, which has been produced with clarity, usability and comparisons in mind, will inform and support schools’ decision-making processes. Leaders are strongly encouraged to carry out thorough due diligence before making large investments to ensure the proposed scheme suits the school and children’s needs; reviewing samples and visiting experienced user-schools is highly recommended.

The booklet has been produced using funding from Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) under the ‘Coming Back Stronger’ banner, in order to support schools in recovering from the impact of the pandemic. This is being made freely available to HCC-maintained schools and is available to purchase for £10 from the HFL Education online shop, for non-HCC maintained schools.

For further support on the teaching of phonics or any other English support needs, please contact the Primary English team at