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ESSENTIALWRITING – available now

Last updated on 19 June 2024

We are delighted to announce that HFL Education’s ESSENTIALWRITING is now live and available to purchase.

ESSENTIALWRITING: An innovative primary writing curriculum built to develop skilled and successful writers for years 1-6.


According to the Ofsted Research Review series: English July 2022 ,

“When planning a curriculum, teachers and leaders should prioritise progression in knowledge of language and of its forms, usage, grammar and vocabulary. This knowledge, of the structures of language, can then be used by pupils across their spoken language, reading and writing.”

Our team of specialist Primary English Advisers consulted with a large number of schools and literacy research, to develop this new and innovative primary writing curriculum built to develop skilled and successful writers.

Through our ESSENTIALWRITING curriculum we provide teachers with essential subject knowledge, tools and resources to effectively teach children how to write. Children are motivated and empowered to write purposefully and to self-identify as volitional writers. 

“We are passionate about developing both children and teachers’ knowledge, motivation and confidence in the craft of writing. ESSENTIALWRITING will empower and upskill teachers at a time when they are needing to be even more responsive in the classroom.”

Michelle Nicholson, Lead Teaching and Learning Adviser - Primary English, HFL Education.

ESSENTIALWRITING is an ambitious and progressive writing curriculum for years 1-6, using high-quality literature. The curriculum has been designed to support teachers’ subject knowledge and provide pedagogical tools and strategies to teach children how to write for specific purposes and authentic audiences.

Why choose ESSENTIALWRITING for your school?

  • Writing purpose and audience at the heart
  • Progressive, well-sequenced curriculum
  • Complete coverage of the National Curriculum
  • Key skills revisited and built upon
  • Diverse and high-quality range of texts, supporting the craft of writing
  • Oracy and vocabulary development
  • Agency for the children to make authorial decisions
  • Aids teachers’ subject knowledge and pedagogy of writing teaching
  • Scaffolds and suggestions for adaptive teaching to ensure all learners' needs are met
  • Resources to support the sequence of learning
  • Detailed booklists tightly aligned to the curriculum, with alternative book options if out of print
  • Associated optional training to support staff to maximise the impact of the resources

Schools are now able to subscribe to the ESSENTIALWRITING online resource and give all their staff access to the complete suite of resources 24/7. There are a wide range of subscription packages to suit each school’s needs.

Visit ESSENTIALWRITING for full details and prices


"The quality and quantity of the work has massively improved. The children have enjoyed the English lessons and the range of different themes. They loved writing for a real purpose and were excited to receive a response and see the impact of their writing. The units are enjoyable to teach because it’s clear and easy with the prompts and models in child friendly language."

Mrs Danni Hawtree, English subject leader, St Paul’s Walden Primary School, Hitchin


Booklist core texts special offer

We have also been collaborating with a leading national children’s bookseller to ensure that schools can easily bulk-buy their ESSENTIALWRITING core texts, and at special discounted rates. Full details and lists will be available upon purchase.

For more information contact the HFL Primary English Team on email: