Finding your link EHC Coordinator
To find the link EHC Coordinator for your school, you can visit the School Aged SEND team page on the Local Offer.
For general enquiries to the School Age SEND team, email:
EHC needs assessment requests
If an EHC needs assessment has been requested for a child and your query relates to this, email:
If an EHC needs assessment has been agreed
If an EHC needs assessment has been agreed for a child, you can email any queries to:
If a child already has an EHCP, or for annual review queries
If a child already has an EHCP, or if the EHCP has been finalised, and for anything relating to EHCP annual reviews:
East Hertfordshire: annualreviewseast@hertfordshire.gov.uk
West Hertfordshire: annualreviewswest@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Please note:
The full process which applies for parents and SENCOs for contacting the HCC SEND team and for urgent/non-urgent enquiries and any problems is available on the Hertfordshire Local Offer website at:
Hertfordshire Local Offer: Contacting the SEND Team
01442 453300