HFL Education Assessment team
The HFL Education Assessment team works across all phases of education from the Foundation Stage to 14-19 providing:
- training courses at Hertfordshire Development Centre and across the county
- school-based training, e.g. staff meetings, INSET days
- consultancy for Assessment Coordinators, Headteachers etc.
on both formative and summative assessment.
The team also:
- monitors standards of achievement in Hertfordshire schools, by running assessment moderation cluster meetings across the county
- provides leadership and support for schools on assessment, recording and reporting
- publishes a range of quality materials on assessment and planning
- takes a lead on the development of assessment for learning as well as on the collection, analysis and use of data to support school improvement and target setting
- manages statutory National Curriculum assessment at Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, and provide support for schools and analysis of results at all Key Stages.
Ben Fuller
Lead Assessment Adviser
Email: ben.fuller@hfleducation.org
Sophie MacNeill
Assessment Adviser
Email: sophie.macneill@hfleducation.org
HFL Education
1st Floor West
Abel Smith House
Gunnels Wood Road
01438 544464