On this page:
- guidelines for suspensions and permanent exclusions
- Inclusion team contacts
- HCC model letters and forms for permanent exclusion and suspension
- funding provision for schools taking on permanently (off-roll) excluded pupils
- Timpson review of school exclusion
Guidelines for suspensions and permanent exclusions
The current statutory guidance from the DfE in relation to school exclusions is available at the following link:
DfE: School suspensions and permanent exclusions
Hertfordshire County Council guidelines on exclusion from maintained schools, academies and Education Support Centres:
The Statutory School Exclusion team (Integrated Services for Learning)
Senior management team:
Name |
Title |
Contact details |
Richard Woodard |
Head of Access, Statutory School Exclusion & Alternative Provision |
Richard.Woodard@hertfordshire.gov.uk 07812323103 Comnet: 83224 |
Loraine Clancy |
Statutory School Exclusion Team Manager |
Loraine.Clancy@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01442 453084 Comnet: 83084 |
For matters relating to:
- Permanent exclusions
- Schools requesting support with an imminent permanent exclusion
- Fair Access Category 4 - managed moves/at risk of permanent exclusion
- Fair Access Category 1 - returners from ESC
Please contact for information relating to exclusions: exclusions@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Please contact for information relating to Fair Access: inclusion@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Name |
Area |
Contact details |
Anjana Walia (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Area Manager (West) |
Anjana.Walia@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01442 453086 Comnet: 83086 |
Charlotte Sear (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Area Manager (East) |
Charlotte.Sear@hertfordshire.gov.uk Statutoryschoolexclusionduty@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 588724 Comnet: 28724 |
Charlotte Sear (All year) |
Point of contact Statutory School Exclusion Officer and SEND Team Link Across County |
Charlotte.Sear@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 588724 Comnet: 28724 |
Emma Watkins (All year)
Statutory School Exclusion Officer Welwyn and Hatfield (5) & Hertsmere (6) Secondary and Primary |
Emma.Watkins@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 555865 Comnet: 25865 |
Charlotte Sear (All year) |
Point of Contact East Herts (3) Primary and Secondary |
Charlotte.Sear@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 588724 Comnet: 28724 |
Dee Brady (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer North Herts (1) Secondary and Primary |
Dee.Brady@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 658067 Comnet: 58067 |
Francesca Holding (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer Broxbourne (4) Secondary and Primary |
Francesca.Holding1@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 556502 Comnet: 26502 |
Edina Trefa (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer Dacorum (8) Secondary |
Edina.Trefa@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01438 843839 Comnet: 5389 |
Emma Burman (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer St Albans (7) Secondary area, Primary, and Dacorum (8) Primary |
Emma.Burman1@hertfordshire.gov.uk 07814074767 Comnet: 26110 |
Joshua Smyth (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer Stevenage (2) Secondary and Primary |
Joshua.Smyth@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01442 453086 Comnet: 26747 |
Statutory School Exclusion Information Officer County Wide |
If your query is related to an exclusion, please contact: 01992 555911 |
Natalie Dobson (All year) |
Statutory School Exclusion Officer Watford & Three Rivers (9) Primary and Secondary |
Natalie.Dobson@hertfordshire.gov.uk 07812 323228 Comnet: 01442 - 453717 |
Statutory School Exclusion Support Officers:
Name |
Area |
Contact details |
Jackie Finnis (Term time only |
Statutory School Exclusion Support Officer, North Herts, Stevenage, WGC Hatfield & Hertsmere |
Jackie.Finnis@hertfordshire.gov.uk 01992 588495 Comnet: 28495 |
Michael Edwards (Term time only) |
Statutory School Exclusion Support Officer Watford, Three Rivers & Radlett, St Albans & Dacorum |
Michael.edwards@hertfordshire.gov.uk 07855 183829 Comnet: 25693 |
HCC model letters and forms for permanent exclusion and suspension
The DfE had been consulting on the use of the word Exclusion and the need to have a clearly defined language that differentiates between Fixed term Exclusion and Permanent Exclusion. It has now been confirmed that from September 2021 the word fixed term exclusion is to be replaced by the term 'Suspension'.
Please find below the list of updated HCC model letters and forms for Permanent Exclusion and Suspension that have had the language updated to reflect this change.
The model letters and forms are available to download underneath the table list.
Description |
Model letter 1 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher In Charge notifying parents of a suspension of 5 days or fewer in one term, or which brings the child’s total number of days or suspension to no more than 5 days in one term, and where a public examination or national curriculum test is not missed. |
Model letter 2 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher In Charge notifying parents of a suspension of more than 5 days and up to/equal to15 days in one term, or which brings the child’s total number of days or suspension to more than 5 days and up/equal to 15 days in one term, and where a public examination or national curriculum test is not missed. |
Model letter 3 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher In Charge notifying parents of a suspension of more than 15 days in one term, or which brings the child’s total number of days or suspension to more than 15 days in one term, or where a public examination or national curriculum test would be missed. |
Model letter 4 |
From the Clerk of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/ESC Management Committee inviting parents to a meeting of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/ESC Management Committee in respect of a suspension. |
Model letter 5 |
From the Clerk of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/Management Committee informing parents of the committee’s decision in respect of a suspension. |
Model letter 6 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher in Charge notifying parents of lunchtime exclusion of up to 5 days in one term, a lunchtime suspension counting as 0.5 days of suspension towards this total. |
Model letter 7 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher in Charge notifying parents of a permanent exclusion. |
Model letter 8 |
From the Clerk of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/Management Committee inviting parents to a meeting of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/Management Committee in respect of a permanent exclusion. |
Model letter 9 |
From the Clerk of the Governors’ Disciplinary Committee/ESC Management Committee informing parents of the committee’s decision in respect of a permanent exclusion. |
Model letter 10 |
From the Head Teacher, Principal or Teacher In Charge notifying the withdrawal of a suspension or permanent exclusion. |
X1 - Permanent Exclusion |
From the Head teacher/Principle/Teacher in charge notifying the Local Authority of a permanent Exclusions. |
X1 – Suspension notification |
From the Head teacher/Principle/Teacher in charge notifying the Local Authority of a suspension. (Lunchtime, 1-5 Days, 5-15 Days, 16+Days) |
Hertfordshire County Council’s notification of a permanent exclusion (X1) electronic form
The Inclusion Team has digitised the process of notifying permanent exclusions. Previously schools would complete and submit a Word X1 form. This form is no longer being used.
Going forward a new webform will be going live from 1 September only for permanent exclusions NOT suspensions.
The new webform will be available on the Hertfordshire Grid and the link is provided below:
No Word X1 forms will be accepted from 1/09/2024 – go live date. If a X1 is sent via email it will not be accepted.
Reminder, once you submit the electronic X1 form you will need to email a copy of the letter to parent/carer notifying them of the permanent exclusion (HCC model letter 7) to:
Any questions please contact Statutoryschoolexclusionduty@hertfordshire.gov.uk contact number: 01992 555911 Comnet: 25911.
Funding provision for schools taking on permanently (off-roll) excluded pupils
When a school takes on a pupil that has been excluded from a previous provision and has since gone off-roll, the receiving school is entitled to the proportion of AWPU (Age Weighted Pupil Unit) and Pupil Premium (if eligible) remaining in the financial year for that pupil. In order to enquire about this, schools can fill in the X2 form and send it back to HCC School’s Finance. Once it has been confirmed that the details are correct, the Finance team will get in contact to inform your school that the transfer of balance has been initiated.
This process will also help ensure that HCC know what provision pupils are in.
Timpson review of school exclusion
The former Government Children's Minister Edward Timpson CBE published a review into school exclusions in May 2019.
Schools will be made accountable for the pupils they exclude and there will be a clampdown on off-rolling, as part of Government measures taken in response to the review.
The review makes 30 recommendations to Government as it highlights variation in exclusions practice across different schools, local authorities and certain groups of children. The report concludes that while there is no optimal number of exclusions, there needs to be action to ensure permanent exclusions are only used as a last resort, where nothing else will do.
The Department for Education agreed to all 30 recommendations in principle, “committing to act to make sure no child misses out on a quality education”.
Read the full report: