Risks of finger amputation
Please be aware of a recent prosecution of a school in Surrey in relation to a finger amputation in the hinge side of a door, in this case a KS1 child was using a KS2 toilet where no finger guard had been installed. KS1 pupils used this building at least once a week to use its library, while in the building they were allowed to use the toilets unsupervised, and the school had failed to identify the risk of finger trapping.
HSE: School trust fined after pupil injured
Please make sure you have reviewed these risks on your school site and identify any areas for remedial work. On those doors where finger guards have been fitted, ensure these are checked as part of your routine premises inspections to confirm they are still effective (we’ve seen a number of damaged / split or broken ones on sites recently).
Further guidance on preventing finger trapping accidents is available on Health and safety: premises and site related
In the event of any queries then contact the H&S team healthandsafety@hertfordshire.gov.uk