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Prevent in education - risk assessment

Last updated on 26 February 2024

Prevent Risk Assessment

Thank you to the pilot schools who supported the creation of this document.

We recommend that you complete this Prevent Risk Assessment to ensure you are meeting the Prevent Duty requirements within your education setting – this may be checked as part of a safeguarding audit.

Prevent Dashboard

The Prevent Dashboard is a redacted dashboard from the restricted Counter Terrorism Local Profile produced by the Eastern Region Prevent Team:

  • It highlights the current issues/threats being identified by the Prevent Team in Hertfordshire
  • The Information within the Dashboard can be used to inform the schools Prevent Risk Assessment, assist schools to meet their Prevent duties and used by the DSL Prevent Lead to inform staff of the current threats/issues in staff training.
  • The school DSL Prevent Lead can email for a copy of the Dashboard.
  • The Dashboard will be produced twice per year, although this maybe more frequently if specific issues occur which needs to be passed on.
  • The Dashboard is only to used internally and is not to be shared publicly, passed to other agencies/pupils or parents
  • The document should be stored on the schools own system, with only the DSL Prevent Lead having access
  • The DSL Prevent Lead within school should be named in the risk assessment and Child Protection Policy

Prevent: Signs and Symbols

This document can be accessed with a password. Please contact CPS Loadmin to request access.

Here you will find modern signs and symbols relating to extremism and terrorism – this is not an exhaustive list and not all are offences contrary to the Terrorism Act 2000.

This is an OFFICIAL document. You must not screenshot, print, share or upload this document.

Last updated on 26 February 2024