Hertfordshire valuing SEND training - VSEND
To set up your VSEND login email vsend@hertfordshire.gov.uk and for any tech issues contact the Unify helpdesk at support@unifybusiness.co.uk.
What is VSEND?
VSEND is an online tool for supporting inclusion in schools through solution-focussed and person-centred tools. It helps to strengthen the provision for children and young people with SEND, building an understanding of their needs, and enables better engagement with families.
It has 3 key elements:
Setting readiness: exploring provision
Settings rate their readiness to meet children and young people’s needs across the 4 broad areas of need and independence. It is completed by SENCos with the Senior Leadership Team to identify strengths and areas for development.
Needs descriptors: building a holistic understanding of a young person
Settings use a range of information to create a student profile across the 4 broad areas of need and independence. Completed by SENCos and other practitioners who know the young person well as part of the graduated approach.
Home confidence: understanding parent/carer confidence
In a supportive conversation with the SENCo or other practitioners, parents/carers use prompts to describe how confident they feel about meeting their young person’s needs at home.
Key benefits of VSEND
Th key benefits you can expect from using the VSEND tool and approach in practice:
- Consistent language used and understood by a range of professionals
- Robust tracking and analysis using a holistic view of the young person
- Facilitates collaboration with families
- Enhances understanding of development priorities.
VSEND training:
VSEND training is available each term and is published through the DSPL newsletters or from your Early Years team. Please contact them for more information.
What can you expect from the training:
- better understanding of what the VSEND tool and approach is about
- how and when you might use VSEND in your role
- how VSEND can support your role.
VSEND forms and guidance
Printable versions of each part of the tool can be found below (these can be stored on your setting’s network and made available to all staff for greater efficiency)
Supplementary guidance and information