Science KS1-KS2: subject leadership
Subject leadership
The role of the Primary Science Leader (CLEAPSS)
These two documents from CLEAPSS will help primary science subject leaders to understand their role better:
- P013 - Primary science leader model role description
- P011 - Leading primary science in your school
You will need your CLEAPSS username and password to download them from the website:
Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM)
The Primary Science Quality Mark is a comprehensive, one-year, evidence-informed, professional development and school improvement programme. Equipping primary science subject leaders with the knowledge, confidence, and expert support they need to transform the quality and profile of science education across the school, for all children. Subject leaders who successfully complete the programme receive recognition through the accreditation of the Primary Science Quality Mark for their school.
PSQM has two cohorts a year, one in spring and another in autumn. If you would like to find out more about the programme, please go to the PSQM website:
University of Hertfordshire: Primary Science Quality Mark
Science curriculum
The national curriculum for science to be taught in all maintained primary schools:
DfE: National curriculum in England: science programmes of study
Herts for Learning offers training and consultancy for schools and subject and leaders to develop their school based curriculum.
To discuss your needs and arrange support please contact HFL Education on 01438 544464 or email: