Funding mechanisms for Hertfordshire schools
Depending on the classification of schools, the ways in which funding is available will vary. This guidance also outlines the different responsibilities across the different types of schools within Hertfordshire, and how these schools can obtain funding.
What are the responsibilities of Hertfordshire County Council?
Hertfordshire County Council is responsible the owner and manager of a significant proportion of the schools within Hertfordshire, primarily through the maintenance of “maintained school” buildings.
What funding is available to schools?
There are a range of different school types across Hertfordshire which operate in a range of different ways. This page outlines the different types of schools within Hertfordshire, and the sources of funding that can be sought.
There are six broad classifications of Hertfordshire schools, which are broken down into the following categories:
- Building land owned, funded and managed by Hertfordshire County Council.
- Can submit capital funding bits through the Schools Condition Allocation (SCA) through Refurbishment and Adaptation programme via Hertfordshire County Council.
- Hertfordshire County Council may own the land on which the school sits, however the council may own the school building(s).
- Can submit capital finding bigs through the SCA through Refurbishment and Adaption programme via Hertfordshire County Council.
- Hertfordshire County Council are not involved with the funding or management of the school; however, the school may receive funding from central government (e.g. Department for Education).
- VA schools should liaise with their relevant religous authority, who will be able to advise on the funding streams available to them either through the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) or SCA.
- Both the land and the building management responsibilities are transferred to the governing body of the school (e.g. School Board).
- Can submit capital funding bids through the SCA through Refurbishment and Adaptation programme via Hertfordshire County Council.
- Independent state-funded schools receiving funding directly from the Department for Eduction (DfE).
- Individual Academies or smaller Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) are able to submit capital bids to the DfE through the CIF. Larger MATs can receive funding through the Schools Condition Allication directly from the DfE.
- Do not receive state funding to manage or operate the school.
- Not eligible for funding through the SCA or CIF.
If you are unsure what type classification a school falls within, this can be identified online through the use of Hertfordshire County Council’s online web map service.
Further clarification of the different types of schools is available through Types of school: Overview - GOV.UK (
What is the Schools Condition Allocation (SCA)?
Schools are either part of bodies eligible for SCA or are eligible for Condition Improvement Funding (CIF) depending on their size and type.
This source of funding is provided by the Department for Education (DfE) and is disseminated to schools nationally through eligible bodies responsible for maintaining school buildings.
Eligible schools can apply for this funding by completing a bid submission which will be reviewed by Hertfordshire County Council. Guidance on completing this submission is available through The Grid: Capital funding and works applications.
This funding cannot be used to fund additional grant applications (E.g. Salix PSDS).
SCA funding is eligible for the following schools:
- Maintained Schools
- Voluntary Controlled (VC) Schools
- Larger Voluntary Aided (VA) school bodies (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Larger Multi Academy Trust Schools (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Foundation Schools
The following school types will not be eligible for SCA funding:
- Smaller Voluntary Aided (VA) school bodies (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Smaller Academy Trusts (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Sixth-form Colleges
- Private Schools
Further information on works eligible for SCA is available through What School Condition Allocations (SCA) can be spent on – ESFA help centre (
What is the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)?
CIF funding is eligible for the following schools:
- Smaller Voluntary Aided (VA) school bodies (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Smaller Academy Trusts (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Sixth-form Colleges
The following school types will not be eligible for CIF funding:
- Maintained Schools
- Voluntary Controlled (VC) Schools
- Larger Voluntary Aided (VA) school bodies (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Larger Multi Academy Trust Schools (in accordance with DfE Guidelines)
- Foundation Schools
- Private Schools
Further information for CIF is available through Condition Improvement Fund - GOV.UK (
What is the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS)?
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme is a grant funding scheme which is managed and operated by Salix Finance. Whist there have been a number of different phases of the PSDS funding, each with unique eligibility and funding criteria.
Check regularly for new and upcoming schemes administered through the Salix website, and email updates are available.
Are there alternative funding sources?
Further funding guidance for schools is available through the following sources of information:
- Grants4schools
- Community Energy Funding Schemes
- Boiler Replacement Grant
- Swimming Pool Support Fund – Sport England
- Crown Commercial Framework Grants
- Devolved Formula Capital (DFC)
- Sports England (Environmental and Physical benefits) Grant
- The National Lottery - Climate Action Fund
If you require further specific guidance on school funding, this can be obtained through the School Funding Unit.