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Autism referral pathway

Last updated on 19 December 2024

Please note: the pathway for ADHD and Autism assessment will be changing in the near future when there will be a singular assessment process for both Autism and ADHD which will be used in all areas of the county. We will update this page once these changes are fully implemented.

Information to support you in making referrals for Children and Young People (CYP) in educational settings for Autism and / or ADHD Assessments in Hertfordshire (South & West Herts and East & North Herts):

  1. Guidance for making referrals
  2. School / educational setting questionnaire (completed by schools / educational setting)
  3. Parent/carer questionnaire (completed by parents with support from school as needed)
  4. Referral initiation forms, which can be completed by a SENCO or other suitably qualified professional. The GP will then need to submit the completed pack, in order to provide relevant medical information

For East and North Herts NHS Trust, you can either complete everything separately and return as a whole pack. Or complete the entire form in one document.

Prior to considering a referral for an Autism and / or an ADHD assessment, please ensure all parents/carers are offered support and advised to contact the Neurodiversity Support Hub to access further information, parent training and / or an educational programme.

Information regarding this can be located on the Local Offer website:

Hertfordshire County Council: neurodiversity support

Referrals are accepted from GPs, other healthcare professionals and SENCO but rely on information from parents, professionals and school / educational setting (when the child is in a school / educational setting). When a child or young person is in a school setting, the referral should be initiated by school/educational setting with the Autism ADHD school questionnaire being completed and supporting family to complete the parent / carer questionnaire.

The family will then go to the GP to complete the referral process, to obtain relevant medical information.  The GP will need to submit the initiation, along with the completed school/education setting questionnaire and the completed parent/carer questionnaire.  

Where incomplete referrals are received, they will be returned to the referrer so all information can be provided.

All relevant guidance, questionnaires and referral initiation forms can be found here; 

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust: service details

Last updated on 19 December 2024