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Services for Young People

Last updated on 21 September 2022

Careers education, information advice and guidance

Enhancing employability, encouraging young people to explore a variety of career options and providing individual action plans are just some of the ways Services for Young People provides support through its portfolio of services to schools and colleges.

Already working in over 100 Hertfordshire learning and community settings, Services for Young People provides impartial information, advice, guidance, youth work, work related learning, outdoor education opportunities and personal and social development programmes for young people including specific programmes focusing on prevention and early intervention.

Statutory duty

Schools are legally responsible for securing access to independent and impartial careers guidance for all pupils in Years 8-13. The statutory duty assumes that careers guidance consists of services and programmes intended to assist pupils to make and implement education, training and occupation choices and to learn how to manage their careers. Careers guidance secured under the duty must also include information on all 16- 18 education or training options, including apprenticeships.

Services for Young People will support you to achieve this with our new combined Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and work-related learning offer.

All Services for Young People personal advisers are DBS cleared and professionally trained to work with individuals and groups. Some of the services on offer are:

  • sessions for individual pupils which provide careers guidance interviews with action plans.
  • bespoke assemblies, lessons, a series of linked sessions or contributing to specific event.
  • rocket to the future for key stage 2 pupils, encouraging them to consider career options, increase confidence and self-esteem and prepare for the challenges ahead of them.
  • navigate your future for key stage 3, a series of workshops designed to enable students to develop and practice key employability skills, identify options and investigate careers and labour marker information.
  • careers guidance for key stages 3,4 and 5, delivered either individually or in a group work setting.

Rigorous quality assurance processes ensure that students receive excellent support and make Services for Young People outstanding value for money.

Survey results demonstrate the value of using Services for Young People in preparing young people for their futures:

  • 99% of young people felt clearer about the action they needed to take to achieve their goals
  • 95% said they would recommend a discussion with an adviser to a friend
  • 97% said they were more positive and determined to succeed
  • 97% of young people felt more confident, had improved self-esteem and sense of identity

For more information on Services for Young People’s full portfolio of services for schools and colleges, please visit:

Last updated on 21 September 2022