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Sexual abuse toolkit: teaching resources (secondary)

Last updated on 19 August 2024

The resources listed may not all may not be fully LGBT inclusive to meet the requirements of the RSHE curriculum because of their date of publication. With this in mind , however, they do remain recommended resources. On this page you will find downloadable resources and links to the following:

  • Lesson plans and resources
  • Videos
  • Performances and workshops

Lesson plans

PSHCE long term view planning document from Roundwood Park School

This demonstrates well the spiral curriculum, and how learning about sexual abuse is developed cumulatively over the course of KS3 and KS4. 

Video of Martina Mansfield explaining the process of designing the long term plan and the PSHCE schemes of learning.

Below are some lessons on consent, taken from the long term view planning document.

Resources from Sandringham school 

PSHE Association quality developed/assured lesson plans

A set of lesson plans relating to consent includes a specific lesson on pornography, sexual images and consent.

PSHE Association: Guidance on teaching about consent in PSHE education (key stages 3 & 4)


This set of lessons for key stage 3 students lays groundwork for exploring pornography by looking at how relationships are portrayed in the media.

PSHE Association: BBFC KS3 lessons: Making choices: sex, relationships and BBFC Age ratings

Something’s not right

Free-to-download lessons from the Home Office, for key stage 3-5 students, support the ‘Something’s not Right’ campaign on recognising and making disclosures about different forms of abuse.

PSHE Association: Home Office: Something's not right


It’s not OK

Teaching resources about positive relationships, how to recognise concerning or abusive behaviour and what to do about it for use with children and young people aged 11+.

NSPCC: It's Not OK: teaching resources about positive relationships


Crossing the Line PSHE toolkit

Films and lesson plans to explore online issues with pupils 11-14 years old. Includes Sexting video ‘Just Send it.

Childnet: Crossing the line

EC Publishing

Comprehensive lessons plans and teaching resources for PSHE.

EC Publishing

Home Office

Expect respect: a toolkit for addressing teen relationship abuse in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 (2011)

Relevant and useful resources including online risks. Slight adaptations to include the newer online risks would be easy to insert.

DERA: a toolkit for addressing teen relationship abuse in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 (2011)

The Sex Education Forum

The forum has expanded and updated their material on consent. Free to members and inexpensive to purchase if a non-member from the link below. Wider focused issues also available to purchase from Sex Education Forum NCB's shop. See the consent and pornography issues.

TES: Sex Education Forum NCB's shop 


Is this sexual harrassment?

Social experiment hosted by journalist and presenter Ben Zand in which a group of people come together to try to understand what constitutes sexual harassment.

YouTube: Is this sexual harrassment?

Crossing the line PSHE toolkit

YouTube: Sexting - just send it

This is abuse video

One of several short videos shown on TV. Powerful dramatisation of an abusive teen relationship appropriate for lesson use (13-18).

YouTube: This is abuse

Channel 4 Sex Education Show 2014

Links to all videos – staff should watch these as a source of information and select sections they wish to share with young people. Particularly good on impact of porn on and sexualisation of children and young people.

Sex Ed Rescue:  TV shows about sex education

Average teen watches 90 minutes of porn per week; countering porn assumptions.

YouTube: The Sex Education Show TV: Season 2 episode 1

The early sexualisation of children and images from pop or porn? survey; countering porn assumptions

YouTube: The Sex Education Show TV:  Season 4 episode 3

Consumption and impact of porn – porn viewed as education by young people; requests for sexting ‘normal now’ (single ref. to Blackberry messenger)

YouTube: Generation sex: kids see porn as 'education'

UK Safer Internet Centre Childnet International (12-16)

Excellent video exploring a sexting story and different friends’ opinions and advice

YouTube: Online safety and sexting: just sexting

Performances and workshops

Tip of the iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg delivers creative educational projects that explore current issues, relationships, sex and health education. They have a wide range of packages that meet the PSHE Association and new government statutory requirements including full length productions, residency, dropdown, off-timetable and activity days, interactive workshops, assemblies, talks, films and videos, teaching resources and teacher training.

Tip of the Iceberg

Last updated on 19 August 2024