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Sexual abuse toolkit: self-assessment and traffic light tools

Last updated on 19 August 2024

The Contextual Safeguarding Network

The network has an excellent website called Beyond Referrals. The website has a plethora of tools and resources that school might find useful including resources for schools to assess their own response to harmful sexual behaviour. This includes guidance to the traffic-light tool for self-assessment; an example completed self-assessment; a range of resources to help schools complete their self-assessment; and finally, an online scorecard where you can enter your scores and print tailored reports. Also includes lesson plans and guidance for student engagement.

Beyond referrals: Levers for addressing harmful sexual behaviour in schools

Brook Traffic Light Tool and training

The training and accompanying Tool equip professionals to make consistent and informed decisions that neither stigmatise nor criminalise young people. Participants will learn about healthy sexual development, understand key laws relating to sexual behaviour and gain knowledge on enabling robust and meaningful conversations around harmful sexual behaviours that cause concern.

Brook: Sexual behaviours traffic light tool

The Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership are offering e-learning training on the Brook Traffic Light Tool for Harmful Sexual Behaviours, FREE of charge to all schools in Hertfordshire.

Historically, this Tool could be accessed by any professional but since Sept 2019, you can only access the Tool online if you have completed their training. HSCP has purchased some licenses on behalf of Hertfordshire schools. Ideally, all schools will have one person trained on the tool and therefore we do ask that you carefully consider who in your school should be trained on this tool.

For further information on how to sign up and licensing please email: 

Last updated on 19 August 2024