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Job descriptions and evaluation

Last updated on 04 October 2023

The current, up-to-date job descriptions have been moved to the HR Portal and Academie Services Portals which can be accessed via the HFL website. Access to the HR services knowledge portal is only available to schools buying a core or full HR service with HFL Education.

Find out more about our core or full HR services:

Subscribing schools now have access to the HR portal via their own individual school account logins (rather than a shared login) on the HFL. Details were emailed individually to schools, if this did not reach you or you are otherwise unable to access the portal, please call: 01438 544464 or email

HAY job evaluation

The Hay Job Evaluation system is used to evaluate all jobs employed on Local Government Terms and Conditions of employment. The Hay Job Evaluation system gives each job a score which is then related to the HCC pay grading structure. Every job employed on Local Government Terms and conditions MUST be Hay evaluated. This ensures that every job is paid on the correct grade in relation to all other jobs employed by Hertfordshire County Council. If jobs are not evaluated this can lead to issues of pay inequality.

The HAY panel meets each week to evaluate jobs. If you need to have a job evaluated by the HAY panel, please complete the ‘Job evaluation questionnaire’. Once completed please return the questionnaire by email to:

Last updated on 04 October 2023