Teach in Herts recruitment services
Last updated on 19 June 2024
Teach in Herts is the dedicated recruitment platform for Hertfordshire schools and settings and home to over 7000 vacancies a year.
Annual subscription allows access to a custom-built, self-service portal for each school or setting:
- upload images, information, documents and links to showcase your school/setting even when there are no live vacancies
- post and manage unlimited vacancies on the Teach in Herts website
- automatic Tweets for every vacancy to gain greater exposure
- additional social media promotion (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) available to boost hard-to-fill vacancies
- reduced agency rates for supply teachers through the carefully selected and managed HfL Supply Framework
- benefit from our year-round promotion of Herts schools and settings, through links with
- training providers and attendance at university recruitment events to attract candidates to the county
- option to attend our own popular Teach in Herts Recruitment Events where you can meet potential applicants in person
- rapid response admin support via email and telephone
- Optional advertising and applicant tracking service add-ons at discounted rates to boost the reach of vacancies and streamline the hiring process (MyNewTerm, Education Week Jobs and more)
Subscription to the service is for Hertfordshire schools and settings and price is calculated based on number of staff.
Teach in Herts Team
Email: teachinherts@hfleducation.org
Website: www.teachinherts.com
Last updated on 19 June 2024