Safeguarding one-stop shop
Keeping children and young people safe is a key priority in Hertfordshire.
This page provides you with links to the most up to date guidance, policies and resources in relation to safeguarding. This information is intended to empower schools to develop their culture of safeguarding.
There are 3 sections with links to relevant information on the Grid:
- Ofsted and DfE
- HCC resources, services and support
- HFL resources, services and support
Ofsted and DfE
Ofsted - Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment. Keeping children safe in education
Ofsted - Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
Guidance for Ofsted inspectors to use when inspecting safeguarding under the education inspection framework. Education Inspection Framework
DfE - Working together to safeguard children
Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Working together to safeguard children
DfE - Using after school clubs, tuition and community activities Using after school clubs, tuition and community activities
Prevent duty guidance Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation
Home Office: Prevent duty: Education
Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation
Multi-agency guidelines on FGM for those with statutory duties to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework Early years foundation stage framework
Safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings
HCC resources, services and support
Child protection
Child protection services and support, including key documentation.
Where there are clear concerns about risk of harm to a child, a referral should be made immediately to Children’s Services: Safeguarding and Specialist Services on 0300 123 4043.
Child protection policies
Contact: Child Protection School Liaison Service
Allegations against staff
Information about handling allegations against adults working with children including Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) referral form and contact details.
Allegations against staff (Restricted Hertfordshire maintained schools and academies *)
Contact: Child Protection School Liaison Service
* Independent schools please contact the Child Protection School Liaison Service for advice.
Prevent in education
Contact: Child Protection School Liaison Service
Health and safety
The Health and Safety section provides references to associated policies and guidance to support and promote effective standards of safety and welfare for key health and safety risks for schools and includes contact details for the Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) Health and Safety team.
Health and safety (Restricted Hertfordshire maintained schools and academies *)
Contact: Health and Safety team
* Independent schools please contact the Health and Safety Team for advice.
Safe staffing services
Information about safe staffing and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service)
Safe staffing services
Contact details: Safe Staffing team
Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS)
The Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) are Hertfordshire County Council’s internal auditors. In consultation with Children’s Services, the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Audit Committee, SIAS create and run an annual audit plan for Hertfordshire’s Maintained Schools. We complete internal audits across a sample of schools each year and collate the SFVS return for the Council on an annual basis. For further information please use this link:
Internal audit and SFVS
Contact details: SIAS
HFL resources, services and support
Online safety
Guidance on online safety
Contact details: HFL Wellbeing team
Safeguarding checks
HFL Education offers a safeguarding check which provides an external view of the effectiveness of your policies and procedures and the extent to which leaders and governors have established a strong safeguarding culture.
Contact us on to discuss how we can support you with leadership and management of safeguarding in your school or setting.
HR advice and support
Schools with a subscription to HFL Education's HR Services can access additional guidance and documentation on the relevant HR portal (login required).
- HR Services portal (maintained schools)
- Academies HR portal
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