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Education, health and care plan (EHC)

Last updated on 26 March 2025

What is an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan)?

An education, health and care plan (EHCP) is a legally binding document that:

  • describes all of the special education, health and care needs of the child or young person which relate to their disability
  • sets out all of the extra help and support they will need to overcome barriers to learning
  • identifies meaningful education and other outcomes they would like to achieve as they prepare for adult life.

Most children and young people with additional needs can be supported without an EHCP. Schools have a duty to put support in place to make sure their pupils with additional needs are learning and developing along with their classmates. This is called SEN Support.

When a child's needs are more complex and can't be met by their nursery, school or college, you can then request an EHC assessment, to see if an Education Health and Care Plan is the next step.

The Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Good Standards Guidance has been written to support professionals who are involved in writing, amending, auditing or contributing to EHCPs. The document has been created to support Hertfordshire’s improvement journey in enhancing the quality of EHCP’s for children and young people and ensuring that the professionals involved in producing EHCPs can be confident in knowing what good looks like and have a standard of practice to refer to. The document draws upon good quality practice and is intended to offer an overview of the information to be included in an EHCP.

It should be noted that the document is not legal guidance and professionals should therefore take their own advice if there is anything that they are unsure of. The document will be reviewed and updated in-line with any changes to case law. 

It is also important to highlight that within Hertfordshire we are on an improvement journey and not all EHCPs will therefore currently reflect what is set out in this guidance. Every child and young person is unique and whilst the document provides basic good practice principles, not all circumstances will be covered in depth and there will be nuances within EHCPs and the information included.

Find out more about EHCPs on the Local Offer:

Hertfordshire.Gov.UK: Education, health and care plans (EHCP)

Last updated on 26 March 2025