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Children missing from education

Last updated on 27 November 2024

The Hertfordshire Virtual School welcomed the Children Missing Education Team to the Service in September 2024.

Children Missing Education Team

A child is not defined as missing from education if they have a school place but are not attending regularly, if they are being home educated or if they attend alternative provision such as a college or Education Support Centre.

All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to an efficient, full-time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude, and any special educational needs they may have.

Children missing education are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school. Children missing education are at significant risk of underachieving, being victims of harm, child sexual exploitation or radicalisation, and becoming NEET (not in education, employment, or training) later in life.

Local authorities have a duty under section 436A of the Education Act 1996 to make arrangements to establish the identities of children in their area who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise. This duty only relates to children of compulsory school age.

Arrangements made under section 436A also play an important role in fulfilling the local authority’s wider safeguarding duties. Existing safeguarding procedures and mechanisms for reporting and recording child protection concerns are to be observed at all times.

Help us to help safeguard children by using the form on the link below and tell us in confidence if you think you know of any children who are missing from education. Please send the completed form directly to

The Children Missing Education (CME) Officers will then check on all school aged children (aged 5 - 16) where it appears they don't have a school place and are not being taught outside of the school system.

Jacqui Ellis - CME Officer – West area – covering Watford & Three Rivers, St Albans & Dacorum, Hertsmere

Wendy Hasler – CME Officer – East area – covering East Herts & Broxbourne, Stevenage & North Herts, Welwyn & Hatfield

Please do not contact the CME officer with enquiries relating to removal from roll. These should always be directed to the Attendance Duty Line:

East Area
Tel : 01992 555261

West Area
Tel: 01442 454778

The Reintegration Team

When a child is returning to school after a period of missing education (not being registered at a school/setting) we recognise this can be a challenging time for both the parents and the child/young person. If deemed necessary, the child can be allocated a Reintegration Officer to support their re-engagement with learning as well as support the school in their readiness to welcome the child/young person.

Remit of the Reintegration Team

  • Work with children/young people returning to school after a period of being deemed a Child Missing Education (CME)*,
  • Work with children/young people returning to school after a period of being Electively Home Education (EHE),
  • Work with children once a provision / setting has been agreed,
  • The work will last between 4-12 weeks depending on the allocated pathway of support.

What to expect from the Virtual School Reintegration Team

*This list is not exhaustive*

Often, the request for support from the Reintegration Team will come via the CME officers, the Statutory Exclusion Team, or the Admissions Team, once a school place/setting has been agreed for a child/young person.

If a Reintegration Officer is allocated a child to support, they will start by contacting with the family. If a school and start date has been agreed, they will also contact the school. The following work can be carried out depending on the needs of the child:

  • together with the child and the school, create a bespoke reintegration plan to support a successful transition back into an education setting,
  • capture the voice of the child e.g. what are their likes, dislikes, aspirations etc,
  • visit the family home to support the parents/guardians in getting the child ready to return to school,
  • meet the child on their first day at their new school to support a positive start,
  • work jointly with Social Workers if the child is being support by a CiN or CP plan,
  • signpost parents/guardians and school leaders to wider support services e.g. mentoring provision,
  • support the school in exploring an EHCP if deemed a necessity to meet the needs of the child/young person,
  • support the school in liaising with any wider professional network e.g. SEND, Attendance, Health etc
  • work alongside other services to deliver a joint reintegration plan e.g. Services for Young People, SEND SAS.

The Reintegration Team is made up of the following officers:

Tracie Mullin – SEND Reintegration Officer (East)

Helen Bonner – Reintegration Officer (East)

Anna Mutch – SEND Reintegration Officer (West)

Jacqueline Brown – Reintegration Officer (West)

Jalissa Iyoyo – Reintegration Support Officer

If you have any questions or wish to find out more about the offer of support from the Reintegration Team, please contact the

*The Reintegration Team in The Virtual School will usually only work with children in Year 8 and below. This is because Services for Young People have a team of Inclusion Workers who will offer reintegration support to children in Year 9 and above. However, we recognise the need to be flexible and the team will work collaboratively with SfYP to ensure the child/young person is receiving the most appropriate reintegration support based on their needs.

Last updated on 27 November 2024