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RSHE audit toolkit: local support and agencies

Last updated on 06 November 2023

Hertfordshire Sexual Health Services

Services for Young People provides free sexual health information, advice and support for young people in Hertfordshire. These services are free and confidential and include:

  • free condoms through the Condom Wallet Scheme
  • free chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing (dual testing)*
  • free pregnancy testing
  • sexual and general health advice

Services for Young People: Sexual health services

Herts Sexual Assault Referral Centre

The Herts SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) offers free support and practical help to anyone in Hertfordshire who experiencing sexual violence and/or sexual abuse. The team includes specially trained independent sexual violence advisors who will support those who have been assaulted.


Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

The Public Health Nursing Team provide a confidential ‘Chat Health’ texting service: 07480635050, where a young person can ask for help or advice on a range of issues such: weight and exercise, stress or anxiety, relationships and sexual health.

The service runs from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday including the school holidays.

After 5pm and on weekends, the service is covered by a bounce back message explaining where to get support or help.

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust: School Nursing

Health in Herts - sexual health

A list of local sexual health and contraception services can be found here:

Hertfordshire County Council: sexual health

This includes the following:

Sexual Health Hertfordshire

The main provider of sexual health and contraceptive services across Hertfordshire and includes outreach provision that is delivered in ‘non-health’ settings. There are three main centres in Hertfordshire based in Stevenage, Watford and Hatfield open daily for appointments and two further services in Elstree and Cheshunt which run services one day a week.

The following are available:

  • walk in clinic for young people aged under 24, no appointment needed
  • clinic U sessions (services for LGBT+ people)
  • Long Acting Routine Contraception (LARC) routine procedure clinics
  • routine contraception (now also available online via SH24)
  • information, testing and treatment for STIs
  • PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis)
  • emergency COIL fitting if required and emergency contraception
  • rapid HIV testing
  • HIV medication and support
  • HPV and Hepatitis B vaccinations

Sexual Health Hertfordshire Phone number: 0300 008 5522

Health for Teens - Hertfordshire

Health for Teens introduces a new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health. The website has area specific options, enabling young people to find local information and services. Young people can access information in a variety of ways. Areas of focus include:

  • feelings
  • growing up
  • health
  • lifestyle
  • relationships

Protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

A Hertfordshire campaign promoting correct and consistent condom use, with a short 'how to use a condom' film.

Hertfordshire: Health in Herts: Protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 

Guidance for professionals working with young people in Hertfordshire

This guidance contains advice, information and resources on dealing with issues with sex and relationships that may arise when working with young people. It is aimed at anyone working with young people in Hertfordshire and contains links to local services as well as national resources.

Hertfordshire Children's Safeguarding Board: Guidance for Professionals Working with Sexually Active Young People Under Age 18 in Hertfordshire (Including Risk Assessment)

Every care has been taken to ensure the information and any recommendations in the toolkit are accurate at the time of publishing. Schools must make their own judgements when using these resources and always risk assess with their pupils in mind.

This toolkit is brought to you by the HFL Education Wellbeing team. Contact the team at or call 01438 544464.

Last updated on 06 November 2023