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RSHE audit toolkit: primary - sex education

Last updated on 06 November 2023

DfE: Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education

The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools and the content set out in this guidance therefore focuses on Relationships Education. 

Sex education

Goodness and Mercy. RSHE for Church of England Schools

KS2 Knowledge Organiser- Sex Education

These knowledge organisers include learning objectives and outcomes , dual coding, key vocabulary and underlying theological drivers. They can be used to audit current provision and to plan teaching. They can also be adapted and used for pupils and parents to communicate expectations.’

Ten Ten Resource – Life to the full

Christian faith based resources for primary and secondary schools. A fully resourced scheme of work in RHE for Catholic primary schools. Cost and subscription needed to access resources.

Sex Education Forum

We bring together our partners and wider stakeholders to share best practice, research, monitor the provision of RSE, explore and respond to new themes and identify gaps. Working together with our partners, members and wider stakeholders is central to everything we do.

 BBC: Operation ouch - how babies are made, puberty. KS2

This series of short films focus on some elements of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), for primary-aged pupils.

The films cover the following topics:

Christopher Winter Project

CWP Resources’ primary schools resource, Teaching RSE with Confidence in Primary Schools, has been quality assured by the PSHE Association. Reception to year 6 lesson plans and resources. 

Every care has been taken to ensure the information and any recommendations in the toolkit are accurate at the time of publishing. Schools must make their own judgements when using these resources and always risk assess with their pupils in mind.

This toolkit is brought to you by the HFL Education Wellbeing team. Contact the team at or call 01438 544464.

Last updated on 06 November 2023