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Prejudiced based bullying

Last updated on 05 May 2022

In its 2012 report ‘No Place for Bullying’ Ofsted identified that, while teaching and support staff have receive high quality generic anti-bullying training, staff were neither well trained nor confident to respond to the different forms of bullying, including prejudice based bullying.

What is prejudice based bullying?

Prejudice based bullying is repeated hurtful behaviour that exploits or abuses someone based on their actual or supposed membership of a vulnerable group or their support for such a group. The following protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010 are particularly relevant in this context: age, disability, gender/sex, gender identity, race/ethnicity, religion and sexuality. These dimensions have legal protection because they expose individuals to particular vulnerabilities within our society and within our schools.

Prejudice focuses on the difference between ‘us’ and ‘the other’. Any context where one person uses hurtful behaviour or language that communicates their superiority over someone else is likely to involve prejudice. Young children know the hurtfulness of words like ‘stupid’ and ‘thick’.  Their power is based on a prejudice within our society that it is better to intelligent than not to be.  The belief that clever people are better in some way than people who are not clever gives particular power to the words.  A child who uses this language to be hurtful but does not understand that it is a prejudice is not excused; but rather needs to be taught that it is hurtful, it is prejudice and it is unacceptable.

What is a prejudice based incident?

Schools are increasingly and correctly concerned to prevent any escalation of hurtful or unkind behaviour to the point where it becomes bullying.  Individual incidents that reflect attitudes that suggest that one group is superior to another are prejudice based incidents.

Schools are experienced in using the following definition for recording and responding to racist incidents: “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”.  The Police have for some years used this approach more broadly to apply across all areas of Hate Crime.  Under the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 it is important that schools provide consistency in their response to the protected characteristics.

It is particularly helpful to broaden the definition already well established so that a prejudiced related incident is "any incident which is perceived to be prejudice by the victim or any other person".  This definition is not a conclusion of what will come from any investigation, but it will ensure that such dimensions are properly recorded, investigated and responded to. Staff will need training to understand how to apply such a definition in practice and what it requires of them as professionals in recognising the different forms of prejudice.

Hate crime 

It is really important that schools recognise that incidents that they are recording as ‘Prejudice related incidents’ are called ‘Hate Crime’ by the Police. The definition for Hate Crime reporting is:

Any criminal offence or incident which is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic.

This common definition was agreed in 2007 by the Association of Chief Police Officers (now the National Police Chiefs’ Council), Crown Prosecution Service, Prison Service (now the National Offender Management Service) and other organisations that make up the criminal justice system. 

Some of the incidents being recorded in schools as prejudice related incidents, when investigated, are found to be unintentional and demonstrate a clear need for support and education. This evidences the importance of a preventative curriculum that teaches children and young people real understanding and appreciation of the positive value of diversity, through approaches that have anti-prejudice at its heart.

Pupils who have been engaged in activity that involves prejudice must be made aware that their behaviour could lead to criminal processes. Schools should inform targets of prejudice (or their parents) of their right to report their experience and to signpost them appropriately. Schools may wish to make a third party report themselves. This report provides further information.

Gov.UK: Justice Inspectorates: Understanding the difference: the initial police response to hate crime

Teaching resources

Hate Crime teaching resources have been produced by the Wellbeing Team at HfL have produced Hate Crime teaching resources at the request of the Hertfordshire County Community Safety Unit to support schools in recognising and addressing Hate Crime.

Hate Crime teaching resource

There are three short units of lessons suitable for pupils in: Year 5 and Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 and Year 9 and Year 10. It has been produced on behalf of Hertfordshire County Community Safety Unit (CCSU) who wish to support schools in this area. 

It is an ideal resource to be delivered in PSHE/RSHE lessons and could be used in consecutive lessons prior to or during National Hate Crime Awareness Week in autumn 2022.

The resource addresses the following topics:

  • identity
  • inclusion and exclusion
  • belonging
  • acceptance of difference
  • supporting and valuing others
  • hate crime
  • hate incidents
  • the law and hate crime
  • reporting hate crime
  • understanding and empathy

KS2 Unit includes activities and resources on:

  • Something Else by Kathryn Cave and Chris Riddell
  • YouTube’s Jake’s Story
  • Bing video’s ‘The Invisible Boy’ by Trudy Ludwig

KS3 and 4 Units includes activities and resources on:

  • The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander
  • Stephen Lawrence Day
  • Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge’s A Manifesto on the Future of Education by Zayne Adeshokan
  • Johnny Delaney’s story

Hate Crime Awareness Week 2021 teacher resource 

The resource below provides age-appropriate activities for KS2 pupils (Years 5 & 6) as well as KS3 and 4 students. These activities have also been linked to the RSHE curriculum. The resource addresses the following topics by helping young people to explore:

  • hate crime
  • hate incidents
  • the law and hate crime
  • reporting hate crime
  • understanding and empathy

Developing a prevention strategy

Important steps in a prevention strategy will be:

  • responding to any and all derogatory language
  • recording any and all derogatory language to inform monitoring of trends
  • a taught curriculum that expands young people’s understanding of and value for diversity, including
    • embedded representation of diverse groups across the curriculum
    • teaching about and against prejudice
    • identifying and challenging stereotypes
    • broadening the range of what is deemed ‘normal’
    • development of young people’s capacity for empathy

It is helpful to note that some language is inherently and always hurtful. Responding to such language is straightforward. Other words are perfectly acceptable if used positively and correctly, e.g. black, lesbian, gay, transsexual, woman and girl. Misuse of these words to be negative is always unacceptable and young people need to learn that this is prejudice. Words that individuals choose to describe their identity should be respected and never used to be negative or hurtful.

Last updated on 05 May 2022