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Black History Month

Last updated on 05 October 2023

Black History Month October 2023

Black History Month (BHM) in the UK is an opportunity to recognise, celebrate and remember the achievements of Black communities locally, nationally and internationally.

This year is the commemoration of the 75th year of Windrush. Even though BHM is recognised during the month of October, we hope that schools, settings and trusts will use it as a platform to increase awareness, knowledge and education throughout the year.

We would like to share our BHM 23 support Bringing your school together to lead on antiracism resource with you along with existing resources and blogs which include suggestions to aid good practice, provide ideas and links to additional BHM focused websites.

We want schools, settings and trusts to acknowledge why Black History Month exists and to move towards a whole school strategy for embedding racial equity and anti-racism. As an organisation with a not-for-profit ethos, we are delighted that these resources are being made available to all Hertfordshire schools through funding from HFL Education (Common Good Funding), and Hertfordshire County Council.

Through the generous support and funding from both Hertfordshire County Council and HFL Education (Common Good Funding), we have devised a wide range of training and support programmes for both school and setting staff, as well as pupils in Hertfordshire schools.

To find out more about the training available please visit the HFL Hub or visit our race equity and antiracism page

We hope that you will find the resources and suggestions useful and if you’d like to stay in touch please follow us on Twitter, @HfLWellbeing or contact us at for further details and support about Black History Month, training and anti-racism.


HFL Education Race Equity Toolkit

HFL Education Hate Crime Toolkit

If you haven’t already, you may find it helpful to visit this dedicated site: Black History Month

Last updated on 05 October 2023