Safe Space Therapeutic Services and Mentoring: FAQs
Frequently asked questions from professionals
The time taken to set up the service within a school will depend on the size of the contract and the capacity within the service at the time of the request. If we are unable to provide support we will where possible offer suggestions for alternative services that may be beneficial.
At the beginning of any work a contract is set up between the therapist and the child/young person explaining the boundaries of confidentiality. It makes clear that if a child or young person is considered to be at risk of significant harm from others or to themselves as a result of information that is disclosed, the therapist will need to share this with the Designated Child Protection lead in the school to help keep them as safe as possible.
The counsellor/arts therapist would remind the client of the confidentiality agreement and look to obtain the child or young person’s permission to share such information. Any decision that is taken by the therapist with regards to breaking confidentiality will be done in the best interests of the child or young person.
Within the boundaries of confidentiality our therapists will look to share strategies and information that does not compromise the integrity of the work that is being carried out. If the counsellor/arts therapist believes it would be beneficial, they may work with a child or young person to empower them to share information with their family or with the school themselves rather than speaking on their behalf.
The service recognises how frustrating confidentiality can be for schools and as such therapists are encouraged to work confidentially but not in isolation. If school have funded the work they will receive a copy of a ‘Summary of Intervention’ upon conclusion of the sessions which schools can share with parents/carers if they wish.
A key feature of any quality assured therapeutic provision is that it is confidential. Therapy gives a child or young person a safe space to share their fears, worries or concerns and it is vital that they are able to develop a trusting relationship with the therapist if the work is to be successful.
Schools and parents can be frustrated by the boundaries of confidentiality as issues may be discussed between the child or young person and the therapist that they are unaware of. Some people can feel that knowing what is discussed may help them to better understand how the child or young person is feeling and therefore how they can support them. To encourage a child or young person to feel more in control of their situation, therapists will work to empower them to feel able to share issues that they are experiencing with the school or their families. They may also explore what they want the counsellor or therapist to share on their behalf.
If a child or young person requests therapy and is able to understand what is involved in the process, then they have the right to access it. Parents and carers may not deny them this right.
Schools set up therapeutic provision in a variety of ways. Some may choose to have an opt in/out policy which you may be informed of when your child starts at school. Others may contact you when a need is identified for your child.
In secondary schools a young person has a right to access therapy without their parents’ consent or against their parents’ wishes if they are considered to be “Gillick Competent”. The Fraser Guidelines set out the criteria that should be met before practitioners provide a service to under-16s without parental consent – the assessment of young people against these guidelines is often referred to as assessing whether the young person is Gillick Competent. Our therapists work, where appropriate, to help support a young person confide in their parents about them receiving therapy.
“As a general principle it is legal and acceptable for a young person to ask for confidential counselling without parental consent providing they are of sufficient understanding and intelligence.” (Gillick v West Norfolk AHA, House of Lords 1985)
Frequently asked questions from children and young people
Counselling offers people a non-judgmental space to talk and discuss any issues that are affecting their everyday lives in a safe and confidential setting.
Art therapy offers people a creative alternative to counselling. Art is used as the primary means of communication to allow an individual an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and confidential environment.
You can meet the therapist for one or more sessions to find out for yourself. You can ask questions- see how you feel. The therapist will talk to you about where and when to come and how often you will meet. The therapy is voluntary. You have the choice to come or not but whatever you decide will be ok.
Keeping information about clients, safe and confidential is very important to the therapist. The therapist will make some notes about what has been talked about in the session. These are kept safely in a locked filing cabinet. All information written and discussed is private and confidential unless there is an agreed or overriding need to share this information in your best interests. A therapist presents their work to a clinical supervisor regularly. This person checks that the therapist is working well with you. Neither your name, nor your school is mentioned.
Counsellors and arts therapists work in a confidential way. This means that what you discuss will not be shared with anyone else (family, friends, teachers, social workers), unless there is a concern about your safety or the safety of others then they have to share any concerns with another professional. Your therapist would however always try to talk to you about this before they talked to anyone else.
Most secondary schools allow their pupils to sign referral forms in place of a parent’s signature as a means of allowing them to access counselling confidentially.
An important part of the therapeutic process is building a trusting relationship with your therapist. If you don’t feel able to do this with your therapist it is important you feel able to share this so we can see if an alternative therapist is available. If possible you should let your therapist know how you are feeling or alternatively tell someone in your school/college so they can speak to us to let us know.
Frequently asked questions from parents
Parents are not able to commission the service to provide counselling/arts therapy for their child within school because it is important that a child or young person does not feel obligated to attend. The work can also become complicated when sessions are kept confidential and not shared with a parent who has commissioned the work. Some schools will allow parents to make a donation towards the cost of the counselling. In these instances the contract will still be with school.
We all experience occasions when it feels hard to speak to those closest to us about things that are bothering us. Often this is because we do not want to worry those we love. For this reason sometimes children and young people want help thinking things through with someone neutral. The therapist will not be judging them, or you, and they will be looking to help them find their way with whatever it is that is troubling them.
The Counselling in Schools service operates to a quality assured framework. This means that our therapists are:
- Qualified to a minimum of Diploma level in counselling and a Masters in arts therapy
- DBS checked
- Insured
- In receipt of regular training
- In receipt of regular clinical supervision
- All our counsellors are either BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) accredited or working towards accreditation
If your child attends Primary school you will be offered an opportunity to meet with the therapist and the start of the first sessions to enable you to ask any questions that you may have.
Whilst it is natural for you as a parent to feel anxious about your child accessing therapy, showing an acceptance of the need for it can be invaluable in helping your child to participate in the work. In addition, allowing your child space to discuss the therapy if they wish to do so, without them feeling pressed into it, can also be very helpful.
Counselling and arts therapy can only take place when a child or young person is willing to engage with a therapist and as such sessions are attended on a voluntary basis.
Children and young people are involved in the setting of aims for the work, deciding what they would like from their sessions and are involved in the evaluation process.
If a child or young person requests therapy and is able to understand what is involved in the process, then they have the right to access it. Parents and carers may not deny them this right.
Schools set up therapeutic provision in a variety of ways. Some may choose to have an opt in/out policy which you may be informed of when your child starts at school. Others may contact you when a need is identified for your child.
In secondary schools a young person has a right to access counselling/therapy without their parents'/carers' consent or against their parents'/carers' wishes if they are considered to be “Gillick Competent”.
Our counsellors/therapists work, where appropriate, to help support a young person confide in their parents/carers about them receiving counselling.