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Safe Space Therapeutic Services and Mentoring: useful links

Last updated on 14 February 2025

These websites have been checked for suitability but Safe Space cannot be held responsible for their contents or links. All of the website addresses and contents are subject to change.

Add-vance offers information, training and support for professionals and families on issues relating to Autism & ADHD.

Angels supports families of autistic children and/or children who have ADHD (and those awaiting diagnosis).

Offers online support and a helpline for those with eating disorders and their families. They also have information sheets for sufferers and their families.

Excellent website containing hints and advice on all types of bullying. 

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
CALM offers help, information and advice via a phone and web service. It is a very good source of information and support and very user friendly.

Child Bereavement Trust
Charity for grieving families. The website contains information for families, young people and professionals. They offer training and resources for schools to enable them to support young people and their families through bereavement.

Cruse Bereavement Care
Help for bereaved people of any age with a special section on information for schools. There is also an excellent website especially for young people who have been bereaved which looks at coping strategies. Young People’s Helpline: 0808 808 1677.

Hertfordshire Partnership University 
Hertfordshire's NHS (HPFT IAPT**) Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression for ages 16+
** Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

Hertfordshire Young Carers Project
Excellent service offering help, support and information for Young Carers

Mind is a mental health charity that provides information and support about mental health and emotional well-being.

The Mix
Provides information and support on a wide range of topics for 10 – 25 year olds. They also provide support via the telephone, email, text and webchat.

NSPCC – Self Harm
Excellent website offering advice for parents.

Papyrus have a helpline and email service for those thinking about suicide or have tried to harm themselves, as well as advice for parents and professionals.

Rethink Mental Illness
Offers information and advice for those with a mental illness, a relative, professional or caring for someone with a mental illness. They also have a wide range of fact sheets.

Samaritans website, full of information, leaflets and resources for those working with young people

Offers an online forum, email service and telephone helpline to provide emotional support, practical help and information for those affected by mental illness.

Mental Health Support in Hertfordshire for ages 16+

The Sandbox
The Sandbox is an online service available for children and young people registered with a GP in Hertfordshire.

Hertfordshire Mind Network's With YOUth Digital Wellbeing Service for 15-18 year olds.

Young Minds
This site contains excellent downloadable information for children and young people, professionals and parents on topics such as depression, bullying, self-harm and parental mental illness.

Last updated on 14 February 2025