Safe Space Therapeutic Services and Mentoring: monitoring and evaluation
The most valuable feedback for the service is learning from clients, their families and their schools about the difference the counselling or art therapy has made to their lives.
Below are some examples of quotes received from clients, parents and school staff (permission was given to share these)
“My head has been a lot better. It used to be full of worries but now it’s got a lot less worries in it”
“I’m now more relaxed and not worrying about things”
“I have felt that counselling has helped me a lot in and out of school”
“She has really settled in school recently and the art therapy has been a huge part of that change”
“My time with my counsellor helped me mainly just be happier”
“I feel more able to speak my mind and believe more in myself”
“This is a highly valuable service that is needed by the chosen pupils and not available elsewhere; hence it is well worth the investment.”
“The benefit the children have is represented in the long term by improved behaviour and less money needing to be spent supporting them.”
We also use a range of tools that help us to monitor and evaluate the work that we do with children and young people. These include:
YP CORE - principally used with secondary aged clients, this is a clinical measurement tool that looks at any changes in a young person's well-being as a result of the therapy
Child outcome rating scale - principally used with primary aged clients, this is used as above
School staff feedback questionnaire
Primary age feedback questionnaire - for use with primary aged clients
Secondary age feedback questionnaire - for use with secondary aged clients
If you have any feedback that you would like to share with the service we would be extremely grateful to receive this.