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Guidance for accessing counselling/art therapy

Last updated on 14 February 2025

When can counselling/art therapy be helpful?

  • when parents are going through divorce or separation and there are signs of changes in behaviour/distress
  • following the death of a family member or a friend
  • when there is knowledge or suspicion of some form of abuse or domestic violence
  • when a child or young person is new to the school, area or country and is having difficulty settling in or integrating
  • when a young person is angry, erratic or shows mood swings or signs of possible depression
  • when there are identity issues i.e. gender, cultural
  • if there are health or disability issues such as life limiting illnesses for the child, young person or a family member
  • when a child or young person refuses to engage with specialist services but is willing to engage with an alternative provision.

Counselling/art therapy can be used very effectively as an early intervention strategy to prevent the deterioration of a child or young person’s emotional health and well-being. It can enhance a pupil’s self-esteem and enable them to cope more effectively within a school setting, both socially and academically.

The more entrenched the issues that a child or young person is dealing with the more difficult it is for therapy to be used as a preventative measure. It can mean that a longer, more intensive piece of work is required or a child or young person may be less inclined to engage with the therapist.

Who is counselling/art therapy not appropriate for?

Children/young people who do not want to/do not understand why they are attending

All therapeutic work is dependent on a child or young person engaging with the process and as such it is important a child or young person understands why they are being referred for therapy and that they are willing to participate.

Children/young people requiring a specialist mental health assessment or diagnosis 

Our therapists do not carry out mental health assessments, diagnose or prescribe. If during the course of counselling/art therapy specialist mental health needs are identified therapists are able to support schools in accessing specialist services as and when appropriate.

Where a school identifies a pupil/family who will not engage with specialist mental health services we are, where appropriate, able to work in partnership with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health services) to ensure that an intervention is delivered to support the child or young person’s emotional/mental health and well-being.

Children and young people receiving therapy from another service

The Counselling in Schools service will not usually work with a child or young person who is already receiving a therapeutic intervention from another service. This is an ethical decision taken to prevent any confusion for a child or young person and avoid any possible ‘contamination’ of work. On occasion as part of a therapeutic package being offered by CAMHS we may work alongside one another to support a child or young person and their family but this work would be delivered within clear boundaries.

What should we have in place before we set up counselling/art therapy in our school?

In order for an effective, quality assured therapy service to be established the following need to have been identified within a school before work can begin:

  • accommodation for the therapist: A fit for purpose room for delivering the therapy needs to be available e.g. one that is the same each week, comfortable and private but not isolated.
  • a referral process: Schools need to consider if a child or young person will refer themselves to the counsellor/art therapist or if referrals will be managed through someone in the school e.g. Head Teacher or SENCO. The service can advise on setting this up.
  • referral criteria: Where a process will be put in place for referrals to be managed it is helpful to consider what criteria will be used to identify pupils who are most in need of counselling/art therapy. It is also helpful to have this in writing.
  • a named Child Protection Liaison Officer: This is vital in ensuring any disclosures arising from the work are taken forward in line with Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures. This relationship will also be used to feedback any non-confidential strategies that may support the school in working with the child/young person e.g. child/young person needs ‘time out’ after therapy.
  • a process for gaining parental consent (primary schools): A range of options exist that the service can advise on e.g. sending an opt out letter to all parents before work begins. Counselling/art therapy works best when it is supported by a parent/carer and as such therapists working within primary schools will offer to meet with parents/carers before the work begins.

How are referrals made to the service?

Each school chooses to operate the Counselling in Schools service in a way that best fits the needs of its pupils. Usually referrals to our therapists are made by:

  • Head/Deputy head
  • Pastoral team

No work can be undertaken without a school providing a signed Safe Space referral form. For primary aged clients, parents are asked to sign the form as a means of giving written parental consent to the work. Most secondary schools allow their pupils to sign the referral form in place of a parent’s signature as a means of allowing them to access therapeutic provision confidentially.

If you have a secure email address, completed and signed referral forms can be sent to If you do not have a secure email address, completed and signed referral forms should be sent via HertsFX or SchoolsFX for data protection reasons.

Last updated on 14 February 2025